[Pro Version] LineCast on gridgraph acting weird

Hi! I need to use LineCast to check for a line of sight.
I bought the pro version for that feature but I can’t get it to work right.

The test seems to return weird results.

Look at this:

I draw a debugline from the coordinates of the test.

Here is my code:

canSee = !_gridGraph.Linecast(new Vector3(startX, 0, startY), new Vector3(endX, 0, endY));

    if( canSee ) {
        Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(startX, 0, startY), new Vector3(endX, 0, endY), Color.green);
        Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(startX, 0, startY), new Vector3(endX, 0, endY), Color.red);

startX and startY are ints.

The debug line seems to be draw at the right coordinates.
It works like 80% of the time it’s super weird.

I am probably doing something wrong with the return values.

Could anyone help?

That definitely sounds odd… Could be a bug…
Do you happen to have a scene which you could send to me so that I could reproduce the result?

No, not for now. I switched back to an other ray-casting algorythm to save time. What could cause it to act this way anyway?

Ok, I will try to replicate the results.
I have no idea what could cause it, I will try to replicate it and see if there might be some bug somewhere.

Ok thank you! I’m just not sure if I want to extract the pathfinding part of my project to create an exemple scene for you, it might take me many hours and I’m not sure the bug will still appear when I’m done…

Do you have skype or gtalk? It would be easier to communicate in real-time, we could probably get it fixed.

Sure, I have skype. I have sent my skype name in a PM.