Prevent erosion from effecting specific tags

Would be really great if we could specify which tags erosions effect somehow. As an example if I place a wall next to water, I dont want the erosion tag to overwrite the watertag (making the water walkable). So disabling the watertag from erosion would very powerful.


@aron_granberg is there perhaps some hacky way to do this now? Would really hate to make a custom erosion system for just this feature.

Givin this one a little bump @aron_granberg , was hoping to tackle it this weekend :slight_smile:

@aron_granberg Could you at least let me know if this is possible to achieve without downloading the source code and changing it? So that I can decide what I should do :slight_smile:


I was trying to check this out last weekend, but I didn’t quite manage to get it working. I’ll probably look into it soon again.

It’s not possible to do without changing the source code.


I have implemented a dropdown so that you can choose if erosion will overwrite any custom tags.
I have not made it possible to change this setting per tag.

Will this functionality be sufficient for you?

First off, thank you for your work!

I just need to understand what you mean by custom tags and how this will work, can I control in this drop-down you mention which tags are effected by erosion and which are not?

In my scenario I use only custom tags, like grass, road, water, hill.

So for my specific scenario I just need to be able to turn off erosion for the water tag, so that erosion won’t make water walkable :slight_smile:

But it is ok if erosion overrides grass, road and hill?

Indeed, since those are walkable areas. Water is not walkable but when erosion overwrites a water tag, it becomes walkable. That’s the issue.

Alright, I changed my implementation so that you can choose exactly which ones are possible to overwrite.

Sick! Sounds great, thanks a ton. When will this be public?

Soonish. Probably within the next 2 weeks.

Any updates on this? :slight_smile:

It’s already in the latest beta :slight_smile: (released in 4.3.80)

Ah okay I just updated to the latest pro version from Nov 14 and didnt see it but Ill try the beta instead! :slight_smile:

Nevermind Im on 2021.3.32 and cannot upgrade since our game is live and currently being ported :frowning:

Im assuming there is no simple way to just add the erosion part?

It’s somewhat tricky, I’m afraid. It depends on a lot of other features. :confused:

Darn okay, Ill have to talk to porting team cus we rly need this feature. Or enemies will just walk between walls and water due to the erosion there.

Thanks for ur help!