Hi, and thanks for a great project!
I’m trying out the free version, thinking about buying it, if it supports my needs. I have a problem though.
I have a simple map with a grid graph and a single obstacle.
See it here.
I have a seeker on the blue capsule, which I can move around between red circles. The red capsules attempt to follow the blue one. The reds update their path regularly to follow the blue.
If I move the blue between the two left circles, back and forth, the red pills will attempt to follow. At some point the red pills step off the graph and then starts to climb the obstacle to get to the red graph. Shown here:
Do you have any suggestions as how to fix this? Can I somehow remove the red graph and only have the blue graph?
I have tried fiddling with every parameter in the pathfinding, graph, and seeker I could see. However, I don’t know what many of the parameters do, and I couldn’t figure out how to look that up in the documentation.
Your suggestions improved it. Masking the obstacles from high testing will be a great help
Now, I’m trying to smooth the path and have tested both funnel and simplesmooth.
It results in the reds getting stuck. Like this:
I realise I’m allowing the reds to step off the path by smoothing it, but is there some way to prevent them from getting stuck even when using some smoother modifier?
E.g. only allowing smoothing inside square grids, and not i half grids?
And is there some way to manually edit the grid graphs?
Set the Seeker -> Start End Modifier -> End Point to “SnapToNode” or “ClosestOnNode”. This will prevent them from stepping off the graph.
Place the obstacle in a layer which is included in the Collision Testing mask in the grid graph settings and excluded from the Height Testing mask. That will make all the nodes near it unwalkable.
Actually that is inside the graph.
A grid node is a square centered where 8 lines meet in that screenshot.
The lines are actually connections between nodes, not the actual nodes (i know some people tend to get a bit confused about this).
What I recommend that you do is to increase the “Diameter” or “Erosion” setting on the grid graph. That will make the characters move further away from the obstacles.
You can also lower the “Pick Next Waypoint Distance” (or similar name, for AIPath there is also the Forward Look Distance) as that will make them stick closer to the calculated path.