PolarGraphGenerator does not set isOutgoing or isIncoming for most nodes.A bug?

The example PolarGraphGenerator.cs does not set isOutgoing or isIncoming except for connections on the center node. I think this is a bug.

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Reading through the example code, I can see it only sets the connections from the first circle to the center, as you said. There’s a comment there that says The center node is a special case, so we have to deal with it separately, but I’m not sure if not having defined connections is what Aron meant- could certainly be an oversight!

I’m curious to know myself, now :slight_smile: Will make sure he’s aware of this one, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: .


Definitely an oversight. I’ll include a fix in the next update.
Thank you for reporting this.

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