Point graph performance

I have problems with scanning rather small pointgraph. The thing is severly freezing on scan, even when not that much points are involved. Check the pictures

I delay the scan already to the point when you unpress mouse when placing roads, and procedural roads are at 1 second interval rescan, but it still severely freezes main thread.
Im using free version for now, tell me if multithreading on pro solves this issue, then ill be happy.

All im doing when rescanning is Astar.active.Scan()


In the free version scanning a point graph takes a quadratic amount of time because every node checks if it should be connected to every other node (so if you for example have 100 nodes, it will do around 100*100 = 10000 checks).
In the pro version you can enable the optimizeForSparseGraph which I think will make scanning significantly faster on your graph. It will also give a nice speedup to get-nearest-node queries (which are used for pathfinding).

Ok will get pro soon