Player controlled CharacterController and RichAI


In a 3D game, I have NPC:s controlled by RichAI + RVOController.
Player movement is either manual (via CharacterController) or with RichAI + RVOController (in cutscenes and the like).

Question: What is the right approch for moving the player?

If I move player with CharacterController.Move() player can push NPC:s and vice versa (which is nice).

If I move with RVOController.velocity, NPC can not push player. (In this case I find having a CharacterController is still nice to get collisions with walls etc.). I read that using RVOController.velocity is the best way to go. Why? Any benefits vs CharacterController.Move() in this case?


Here is a tutorial about this, that shows a few different approaches: Manual Player Movement - A* Pathfinding Project


“Keyboard movement without pathfinding” fits my case best, with some changes:

For my use case, I have a RichAI component on the player which is enabled all the time, to avoid that the player can walk through NPCs, and to able to be pushed by NPC:s. Because of that, I do not update the transform.position, because that would result in a double movement (by RichAI and transform.position …).
When the player moves, I set RVOController.velocity, and when there is no input, I do NOT set velocity, to allow NPC:s to push player when not moving. Likes this:

private void Update() {
    float x = Input.GetAxis(HORIZONTAL);
    float z = Input.GetAxis(VERTICAL);

    Vector3 move = transform.right * x + transform.forward * z;
    if (move.sqrMagnitude > float.Epsilon) {
        _rvoController.velocity = move * speed;

Creative solution! I’m glad it works for you.