Perceived pathing jerkiness

I have an issue where moving agents (Using FollowerEntity) on a NavMesh, appear to be high frequency “stuttering” at they move. Everything else in the game and my player objects moves perfectly smooth.
FPS locked at 60 all the time.

I have a hunch its down to my camera, as when I change cinemachine’s FixedUpdate to LateUpdate all the navmesh agents move perfectly smooth but everything else that moves becomes stuttery.

Any suggesions here? My cinemachine camera is 3rd person following my player with some smoothing applied. My characters movement is based off physics so happens in fixed update.


This is likely because your camera moves before the agent moves in the frame.
The FollowerEntity moves every frame, during the ECS simulation step. If you move the camera during FixedUpdate (which does not necessarily run every frame), then you will get stutter.

I’m not quite sure how to make everything smooth if you both have the FollowerEntity, and other things that move during FixedUpdate.

Thanks for the Reply Aron!

I’ve sorted my issue for now. I’ve brought my movement into every frame update. Some weird physics edge cases of vibration against other moving objects, but I’ll sort that out down the line.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Really enjoying the Asset, well done.

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