Is there a way to set penalty for turning around?
I.e. when seeker changes its direction during his path (for 45° and 90°)?
Not out of the box.
A* itself is not very compatible with that unless a node would be added to represent each direction the agent could come from (so the number of nodes would be multiplied by 8). However if using a Dijkstra search (A* Inspector -> Heuristic = None) then it is possible to add this to the code. I have never done it myself, but it would involve editing the GridNode class and using different costs depending on from where the agent came from.
So this requires editing library source code? That updating the library will wipe these changes out?
Well, it is possible to do everything without editing library code (creating a new graph class and node class which overrides the relevant parts). But it is certainly easiest to modify the library code.