The task I’m trying to do is navigate on the inside edge of a spinning space-station. You might imagine it like walking around halo.
I want to accomplish it using navmesh and an AI controlled with a rigidbody. This would make it easier to interact with my other systems.
However, I am struggling to make the AI walk after the angle of the floor has passed directly up. I have got the pathfinding working, but from what I understand, there seems to be an issue with the funnel algorithm working correctly pass that extreme angle.
The best I can get is for RichFunnel.Update() / FindNextCorners() to fill the buffer/funnelPath with a single corner (there are currently no obstacles) that ends when the path’s angle becomes too extreme.
I was hoping for some insight, Am I approaching it in the wrong way? I’m trying to avoid getting my hands too deep in the code, but I can’t seem to get the result I want.