Pathfinding, new path and original path

Hi, I’ve been learning Pathfind Project recently, and I’ve been having a problem that in a scenario where agent has frequent path replanning, the starting point of the new path should be where it was at the moment of replanning, but the agent’s transform is still updating according to the original path.
How does the plugin solve the problem that after the new path is calculated, the current position of the agent may not be the same as the starting point of the new path (if the agent has been updated by 1 or more frame according to the original path).
Maybe this is not even a problem in unity?

For example, in the PointGraph scenario, the target point of the agent can only be on the Point and is only allowed to stay or turn on the Point, and cannot do any operation on the Edge.
When replanning, we can only allow the agent to go as far as or stay at the starting point of the path replanning, wait for the path to be computed, and then update the position of the agent.


The built-in movement scripts typically do some kind of repair of the path when it has been completed, to try to account for the fact that the agent has moved slightly.

How this is done varies depending on the movement script.

thanks.i got it