Pathfinding for 2d platformer

hello i am making a 2 d patformer with combat system. it was hard to understand how it work but over time ı got it . now the skeleton move and reach the player the way as I wanted but it hard to adjust my code is

    if (nextWaypointDistance > distance)
    if ((Vector2.Distance(target.position, rb.transform.position) > 3f)  )
        distanceY = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(0, rb.position.y), new Vector2(0, path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint].y));
        if (path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint ].x==path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint -1].x&& !jumped && path.vectorPath[4 ].x - rb.position.x>-0.3f && path.vectorPath[4].x - rb.position.x < 0.3f)
            rb.velocity =;
            rb.AddForce(jumpModifier * 40 * Vector2.up, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
            jumped = true;
            this.Wait(1f, () => {

                if (!footE.isGrounded)
                    rb.AddForce(jumpModifier / 3 * 40 * new Vector2(transform.localScale.x, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);


after speding 2 day and understand how vector works ı actually noticed better idea. ı want to adjust grids follow walkable ways only for ground-based enemies so that when the next vector going up or down npc will decide what to do if is it a stairs or need to high jump or low jump since it currently make high jump but not low jump otherwise jump always because of how vectors finding target. i simply want this vector to always follow the ground instead of going up.

Is there and way to do this ? or can I draw my own grids it would be useful.

actually I can add penalty to everywhere in air so it works but takes too much time. Waiting for answer. thanks in advance


What I want


Platformer-type pathfinding is not really supported by this package, I’m afraid. You can potentially hack something together with a custom graph or a point graph, but it will require a lot of custom code.