Pathfinding crashing editor & player on 2023.2

While having both version 4.3.94 and older 4.3.88, after upgrading to unity 2023.2 from 2022.3 LTS, the both editor, as well as final player built crash (not error, hard crash). Cannot reproduce it, as sometimes it happens just when starting the game scene.

Adding last part of crash log from editor.log:


Native Crash Reporting


Got a segv while executing native code. This usually indicates

a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries

used by your application.



Native stacktrace:


0x2cf0c1b44 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : mono_dump_native_crash_info

0x2cf0840e0 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : mono_handle_native_crash

0x2cf00c924 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : mono_sigsegv_signal_handler_debug

0x18bdf1a24 - /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib : _sigtramp

0x4418ced7c - Unknown

0x4418d1c60 - Unknown

0x4418ce388 - Unknown

0x4418ce06c - Unknown

0x4247584dc - Unknown

0x424757778 - Unknown

0x424757540 - Unknown

0x3dffb7c58 - Unknown

0x2cf00fbf8 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : mono_jit_runtime_invoke

0x2cf194e54 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : do_runtime_invoke

0x2cf194d94 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : mono_runtime_invoke

0x1033130ac - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _Z23scripting_method_invoke18ScriptingMethodPtr18ScriptingObjectPtrR18ScriptingArgumentsP21ScriptingExceptionPtrb

0x1032ecd2c - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZN19ScriptingInvocation6InvokeEP21ScriptingExceptionPtrb

0x102ecc28c - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZL10ExecuteJobP14ManagedJobDataPFvPvS1_S1_S1_iEiPh

0x102ecc8a8 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZL18ExecuteJobCopyDataP14ManagedJobDataPFvPvS1_S1_S1_iEi

0x102eccba4 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZL26ForwardJobForEachToManagedP14ManagedJobDataj

0x102ec48e8 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZL16ujob_execute_jobP14ujob_control_tP11ujob_lane_tP10ujob_job_t13ujob_handle_tj

0x102ec4cf8 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZL9lane_gutsP14ujob_control_tP11ujob_lane_tii

0x102ec6604 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZL21worker_thread_routinePv

0x1030aa9a0 - /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.2.9f1/ : _ZN6Thread16RunThreadWrapperEPv

0x18bdc2034 - /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib : _pthread_start

0x18bdbce3c - /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib : thread_start


Telemetry Dumper:


Pkilling 0x6153826304x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6154399744x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6154973184x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x8092520448x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6155546624x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12333314048x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6156120064x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12337606656x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12546994176x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6156693504x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12551286784x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12400144384x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6157266944x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12897562624x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12590329856x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x16421695488x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6157840384x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12574339072x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x16425988096x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12578631680x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x16430280704x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x13359673344x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6158987264x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12326612992x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6159560704x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x13336244224x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x13340536832x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12071890944x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12342161408x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12443103232x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12355547136x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12561756160x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12902117376x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6161854464x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6162427904x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x11911852032x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12331167744x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12335460352x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12549140480x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12895416320x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12588183552x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12899708928x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x17416876032x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12572192768x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x16423841792x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12576485376x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x16428134400x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x16432427008x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6151532544x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12324466688x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12328759296x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x13328756736x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6152105984x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x13331427328x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x18281771008x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12340015104x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12074037248x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6152679424x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x13614575616x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x6153252864x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12559609856x from 0x6158413824x

Pkilling 0x12563902464x from 0x6158413824x

Entering thread summarizer pause from 0x6158413824x

Finished thread summarizer pause from 0x6158413824x.

Failed to create breadcrumb file (null)/crash_hash_0x2e2599677

debugger-agent: Unable to listen on 50

Waiting for dumping threads to resume


External Debugger Dump:



Basic Fault Address Reporting


Memory around native instruction pointer (0x324759388):0x324759378 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

0x324759388 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

0x324759398 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

0x3247593a8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................


Managed Stacktrace:



Obtained 21 stack frames.

#0 0x00000324759388 in (Unknown)

#1 0x000004418d1c60 in Pathfinding.RVO.RVOQuadtreeBurst:QueryAreaRec (int,Unity.Mathematics.float3,single,Unity.Mathematics.float3,Unity.Mathematics.float3) [{0x31cfff288} + 0x37e0] [./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Core/RVO/RVOQuadtreeBurst.cs :: 631u] (0x4418ce480 0x4418d1f54) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#2 0x000004418ce388 in Pathfinding.RVO.RVOQuadtreeBurst:QueryArea (Unity.Mathematics.float3,single) [{0x31cfff260} + 0x258] [./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Core/RVO/RVOQuadtreeBurst.cs :: 541u] (0x4418ce130 0x4418ce3ec) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#3 0x000004418ce06c in Pathfinding.RVO.RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior/JobDensityCheck:AgentDensityInCircle (Unity.Mathematics.float3,single) [{0x359da79b8} + 0xcc] [./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Core/Misc/RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior.cs :: 124u] (0x4418cdfa0 0x4418ce0dc) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#4 0x000004247584dc in Pathfinding.RVO.RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior/JobDensityCheck:Execute (int) [{0x359da7960} + 0xc84] [./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Core/Misc/RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior.cs :: 174u] (0x424757858 0x424758580) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#5 0x00000424757778 in Pathfinding.RVO.RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior/JobDensityCheck:Pathfinding.Jobs.IJobParallelForBatched.Execute (int,int) [{0x359da7830} + 0x98] [./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Core/Misc/RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior.cs :: 119u] (0x4247576e0 0x424757804) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#6 0x00000424757540 in Pathfinding.Jobs.JobParallelForBatchedExtensions/ParallelForBatchJobStruct`1<Pathfinding.RVO.RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior/JobDensityCheck>:Execute (Pathfinding.RVO.RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior/JobDensityCheck&,intptr,intptr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,int) [{0x3e153f170} + 0x198] [./Packages/com.arongranberg.astar/Utilities/IJobParallelForBatched.cs :: 42u] (0x4247573a8 0x4247575a4) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#7 0x000003dffb7c58 in (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>:runtime_invoke_void__this___intptr&_intptr_intptr_intptr&_int (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) [{0x31cdc1d98} + 0x120] (0x3dffb7b38 0x3dffb7d80) [0x14fe82a80 - Unity Child Domain]

#8 0x000002cf00fbf8 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke

#9 0x000002cf194e54 in do_runtime_invoke

#10 0x000002cf194d94 in mono_runtime_invoke

#11 0x000001033130ac in scripting_method_invoke(ScriptingMethodPtr, ScriptingObjectPtr, ScriptingArguments&, ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)

#12 0x000001032ecd2c in ScriptingInvocation::Invoke(ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)

#13 0x00000102ecc28c in ExecuteJob(ManagedJobData*, void (*)(void*, void*, void*, void*, int), int, unsigned char*)

#14 0x00000102ecc8a8 in ExecuteJobCopyData(ManagedJobData*, void (*)(void*, void*, void*, void*, int), int)

#15 0x00000102eccba4 in ForwardJobForEachToManaged(ManagedJobData*, unsigned int)

#16 0x00000102ec48e8 in ujob_execute_job(ujob_control_t*, ujob_lane_t*, ujob_job_t*, ujob_handle_t, unsigned int)

#17 0x00000102ec4cf8 in lane_guts(ujob_control_t*, ujob_lane_t*, int, int)

#18 0x00000102ec6604 in worker_thread_routine(void*)

#19 0x000001030aa9a0 in Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*)

#20 0x0000018bdc2034 in _pthread_start

Launching bug reporter

Attribute Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling must be set before QCoreApplication is created.

e[40me[32minfoe[39me[22me[49m: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]

Application is shutting down...

e[40me[32minfoe[39me[22me[49m: Unity.ILPP.Runner.PostProcessingAssemblyLoadContext[0]

ALC ILPP context 1 is unloading


How often does this happen?
Also, could you verify that you have the latest version of the burst and collections packages?


During 15 minutes, it happened twice. Once in player, once in editor. Then I tried several times in editor to reload scenes, restart it, but could not reproduce it. But Im sure it can happen again, as I didnt change anything.

Burst: 1.8.12 · January 12, 2024
Collections: 2.1.4 · May 11, 2023

Burst seems to be up to date, however collections seem older, even though unity is showing like everything is fine

Will try to update collections manually via manifest.

Anything newer than this? As other ones seem like pre-releases:

“com.unity.collections”: “2.2.1”,

Strange. Do you think you could try to disable the burst compiler and see if any assertions trigger?

Actually when I checked it, it was already disabled. Not sure if it was disabled even during those crashes though.
Its hard to reproduce as we are not using that unity version for development right now due to this issue, so we cannot reproduce now with normal workflow, only when I open project in that version and try to simulate it somehow.

If this crash happens only after a unity upgrade, then it is probably caused by a Unity bug, I’m afraid.

Not reported and reproduced so far, so maybe its fixed (we also upgraded to 5.0.5)

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