- A* version: [5.2.4]
- Unity version: [2022.3.38f1]
I am looking for a way how would be possible to find across a gap jumping over moving platforms.
The target is that the agent would be able to find to path to the target point, when between the agent and the target point is a rotation platform connected by several off-mesh links with static platforms.
Something like this:
Is it possible to do with A* Pathfinding project? Could you advice what would be the best way to do it?
Best Regards,
I don’t think there is any native support for such intricate movement, no. This is a particularly complex situation to cover and the closest thing I could think of to handle it would be off-mesh links, which you already have.
Is your goal to just have your units cross the spinning platforms? Or would you want them to pathfind from one platform to another? What’s your use case here? We may be able to work shop something that works at least decent for you
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My goal is to get agents to move like this.
Currently using nav mesh managed to teach them to do it, but still, it doesn’t look like real players.
By observing their behavior I have noticed that they wait until all off mesh links on this red line are connected - and only then start to move.
To avoid it - I now plan to set a target not a static platform after fans, but each fan separately step by step. Could not find a better way to manage the issue.
And so far have no idea, how to replicate this progress by using A* star Pathfinder.
Unfortunately I think this is just a lot to handle for any pathfinding/navigation system. I think Astar could be a piece to the puzzle, but actually navigating the platforms may have to be something you more-so handle yourself. Maybe having Astar navigate your agents to the platforms, but handling the platforms themselves could be something you do another way.
This is also assuming the platforms are rotating, which I’m not 100% sure if they are in your case- if they’re not rotating and just moving, the standard moving platform solution here should be a solution.
Regardless I recommend looking at this thread: Multiple moving platforms (FollowerEntity) It contains some great related information.
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