PathCost Nodelink

Hey, i want to add the nodelink costfactor to cost, how can i do this? please update the script. using gridgraph.

uint GetCost(ABPath path)
    uint cost = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < path.path.Count - 1; i++)
        var node = path.path[i];
        //var nextNode = path.path[i + 1];

        cost += path.GetTraversalCost(node);

    // Add the cost for the last node
    if (path.path.Count > 0)
        cost += path.GetTraversalCost(path.path[path.path.Count - 1]);

    // Add the cost for the total length
    cost += (uint)(path.GetTotalLength() * Int3.Precision);

    return cost;
