Using LayeredGridGraph.
Using default Seeker component.
Using ABPath;
I’m using AIPath to move my character. I created a simple subclass which basically handles clicks in order to place the target transform where the player clicks on the floor.
After opening a door, I call AstarPath.active.UpdateGraphs(bounds);
This works great. I can see the graph update in the scene with the doorway now walkable through.
Creating new paths always seems to return a path with one entry in the path.vectorPath (basically right on top of the character). This is only a problem after doing a AstarPath.active.UpdateGraphs(bounds);
. If I don’t do the graph update I can’t walk through the doorway, but the path.vectorPath issue doesn’t happen.
It doesn’t matter where I place the target transform. It always returns a path with one vectorPath coordinate. What am I doing wrong?
For some unknown reason… If I pause the Unity Scene, manually move the character a little bit and then press resume, it starts working again as expected.