I was supposed to make this topic several moons ago, but got distracted. Nonetheless here we are.
We were running into some issues with the A* project on our switch builds. Originally not able to load any scene.
We were able to look into the issue and found the issue being related to the names given to threads.
PathProcessor - L111
// Start lots of threads
for (int i = 0; i < processors; i++) {
var pathHandler = pathHandlers[i];
threads[i] = new Thread(() => CalculatePathsThreaded(pathHandler));
// crashes on switch
threads[i].Name = "Pathfinding Thread " + i;
threads[i].IsBackground = true;
Additionaly in the RVO simulator the same error occurs
RVOCoreSimulator - L820
public Worker (Simulator sim) {
this.simulator = sim;
var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));
thread.IsBackground = true;
thread.Name = "RVO Simulator Thread";
This issue was found in version 4.2.4 I do not have the SDK’s on this machine installed, and can’t verify if this is still a problem in 4.2.7 Unless you really want to make sure ( with more accurate error listing ) that this is still a problem I could provide in the near future.
ps. shouldn’t there be a more bug oriented categorie?