Overlapping GraphUpdateScenes => inconsistency

  • A* version: 5.3.3
  • Unity version: 6000.0.36f1

When I have two overlapping — or just adjacent — GraphUpdateScene objects, I get inconsistent results on re-scanning the graph. It’s as if they alternate their influence and break the other object around the edges. Here are some screenshots of the setup and results: :point_down:
(this is all scanning in editor)

As you can see, on each scan, a different grid node is set as walkable/not walkable :point_down:
(this alternates on each Scan)

:point_down: Below is the setup on the GraphUpdateScene component.
(These objects have trigger BoxColliders that are not included in the graph scanning)

Screenshot 2025-03-21 at 10.59.31

Is there a way to fix this?


If I could make the GridGraph scan include triggers, I would not need the GraphUpdateScene objects! I could just put these trigger volumes on the ‘Obstacles’ layers in the GridGraph, which seems intuitive and easy as well!

But since the GridGraph obstacle scan doesn’t include triggers, I need the GraphUpdateScene…

Turning off Update Physics fixed this behavior on my end. If that’s not required you can turn that off and you should be good :+1:

I am not 100% sure of the intention of that setting in general or in this use case though :thinking: if it’s something you need for your project let me know and I’ll tag Aron on this to review if it’s possibly a bug or just something I’m not understanding.