One-way nodes using directionMin and directionMax

I have an idea for a new feature since I can’t seem to find the Navmesh class for the life of me so I can work on the coding myself. If only the Navmesh class had 2 variables called directionMin and directionMax, I could use those variables to only connect neighboring nodes to each parenting node ONLY IF its neighboring node’s direction (in world space in comparison to where the parent node is) falls between the directionMin’s and directionMax’s angle.

Another words, if I have directionMin set to 0 and directionMax set to 360, then ALL neighboring nodes will connect to each other, but if I have directionMin set to 91 and directionMax set to 269, only the neighboring nodes that are in front of each other (in world space) will get connected (causing a one-way road to form on the grid). What do you think of this idea?

I also tried accessing the graphs[graphIndex].nodes[nodeIndex].connections variable, but every ‘connections’ variable on ANY node on ANY graph is set to null for some reason when I access the ‘connections’ variable. I wonder what is used to make the gizmos of each graph drawn if there is no access to any neighboring nodes through each node. How does it work?

                                        Michael S. Lowe

Hello? I know that my idea sounds like such a bad idea that defeats the whole purpose of path finding, but not really. On a 2 lane intersection, if I were to chase after somebody who is heading from my left to my right who’s refusing to move on the intersection that I am appearing to cross, and he is on my left side, I would have to make a left turn onto the intersection and then a u-turn somewhere along the intersection in order to catch up to him, otherwise, I’d be traveling along the wrong side of the road in order to catch up to him, so one-way pathfinding WOULD seem to make lots of sense.