I can only seem to find ‘my’ preferred path, by using a navmesh graph with funnel modifier (finding the path with the least turns - as in few long straight lines). But since the local avoidance feature is only available in pro version, is there any other way to do it? Or can anyone tell me why I can’t get the grid graph to calculate the same paths as with the navmesh?
Sorry about this newbie question, if I haven’t made myself clear - please say so and I will try to specify it more clearly.
Um… Funnel modifier has nothing to do with local avoidance.
You can get something similar to the funnel modifier when using a grid graph by using the raycast modifier. Also, the funnel modifier can actually be used on a grid graph, however it doesn’t give the same results since the path corridors in grid graphs are much thinner (single square width) than in a navmesh graph.
I had used grid graph, simple modifier and weights to generate paths with avoidance.
It is not difficult to implement some steerning behaviours that do the job. The classic doc http://www.red3d.com/cwr/steer/.
PS: I really think that exists a lot of lack of information on this area. I am far far away from “my preferred path”, but I created a solution and tuning it until it “works” for the player.