Object reference not set to an instance of an object in Pathfinding.GridNode.GetConnections

Using Unity 2019.3.15f1

I don’t have any other info as to why this happened. In fact it’s odd that I’m seeing this considering the code just throws System.NotImplementedException()

public override void GetConnections (GraphNodeDelegate del) {
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Pathfinding.GridNode.GetConnections (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x0002c] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.HierarchicalGraph.FindHierarchicalNodeChildren (System.Int32 hierarchicalNode, Pathfinding.GraphNode startNode) [0x0004c] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.HierarchicalGraph.JobRecalculate () [0x000cb] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.HierarchicalGraph.RecalculateIfNecessary () [0x00014] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.EnsureValidFloodFill () [0x00000] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItems (System.Boolean force, System.Boolean sendEvents) [0x0014b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItemsForUpdate (System.Boolean force) [0x00000] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at AstarPath.PerformBlockingActions (System.Boolean force) [0x0002b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at AstarPath.Update () [0x0001b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
(Filename: <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428> Line: 0)

Exception: Processing work items recursively. Please do not wait for other work items to be completed inside work items. If you think this is not caused by any of your scripts, this might be a bug.
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItems (System.Boolean force, System.Boolean sendEvents) [0x00008] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItemsForUpdate (System.Boolean force) [0x00000] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at AstarPath.PerformBlockingActions (System.Boolean force) [0x0002b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at AstarPath.Update () [0x0001b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
(Filename: <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428> Line: 0)

Exception: Processing work items recursively. Please do not wait for other work items to be completed inside work items. If you think this is not caused by any of your scripts, this might be a bug.
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItems (System.Boolean force, System.Boolean sendEvents) [0x00008] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at Pathfinding.WorkItemProcessor.ProcessWorkItemsForUpdate (System.Boolean force) [0x00000] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at AstarPath.PerformBlockingActions (System.Boolean force) [0x0002b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 
  at AstarPath.Update () [0x0001b] in <2131818279ad42d286e972de40ec1428>:0 

I suspect this might be related to the same thing as all your other errors: that you have multiple AstarPath components active. I will discuss that in your other thread.

That method is overriden in the individual node classes.