No RVOSimulator component found in the scene, but there is

“No RVOSimulator component found in the scene. Please add one.”

Hi I’m getting this error just on builds. It has been working perfectly fine in the editor, but for specific scenes it doesn’t work. I believe I know why. The scenes it doesn’t work in is when the richai agents are in a different asynchronously loaded scene as the RVOSimulator. This works fine in the editor, but doesn’t seem to work in builds.

Is there any solution for this that doesn’t involve putting them in the same scene?


Likely what happens is that the scene with the agents is loaded just before the one with the RVOSimulator. So when the agents are enabled, there is no RVOSimulator loaded yet.

You’ll have to either:

  • Make sure to load the RVOSimulator scene before the scene with the agents.
  • Or, load all agents as disabled, and only enable them once you are sure that both scenes are loaded.
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i figured this was the case, but i just wasn’t sure why it was happening only in builds. Just delayed the scene loading a little more and it’s fine now.

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