New Issues? in version 4.2.16

Hi there!
I’ve just installed the new version 4.2.16 and the Graph is gone every time I exit Playmode
Am I missing something?


Graph nodes are not saved in the editor. Only the settings are. Saving all the nodes would make the scene files huge, and it would slow down the unity editor a lot. If you want to see the graphs, you can scan them like you do in the video. There’s a shortcut for scanning graphs if you do it often (ctrl-alt-s).
When the game starts, all graphs are scanned by default.

Thanks for the tip! I really appreciate it!

Yes that’s my problem,
if I don’t scan it beforehand, the agent won’t move when I hit play, or it moves wrong.

Do I have to enable something on the RichAI or the Pathfinder component?

BTW I’m Malbers from Malbers Animations
(I’m Making Horse Animset Pro and Animal Controller
Integration with A*PathFinder, the most requested integration ever!! :D)

I get this if I don’t PreCalculate the Graph beforehand:
(I 'm pretty sure it should be some boolean set to false out there haha)

Okey I found the magic boolean :smiley:

but it’s still not working for me, I used both grid and Recast
Using Unity 2019.4.32f1

Calling; solves it,
but the Scan On Awake by default is not working. I thought you might know :smiley:

I found also this:
Is this normal?


That’s very strange. Do the included example scenes work as expected?

If you have any off-mesh links in your scene then a point graph is added automatically to be able to represent them (though it should have had another name…).

Oh. One more question. What are your Editor → Enter Play Mode Options set to?

No, they don’t, all demos have the same problem. (I’m using Unity 2019.4.32)

Ohhh yeap, this was the problem… the “Experimental feature is interfering :D”

Thank you so much for your support!

Ah. In more recent versions of Unity (2020.1 and up) there is a big warning in the inspector if you have your project settings configured like that. Unfortunately in Unity 2019.x the api for getting this setting doesn’t exist, so I can’t warn about it.
Glad that it works now :slight_smile:

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