We would like to write a custom graph which uses splines to define some special paths for our world that are excluded from normal graph generation. Our spline endpoints are positioned on a triangle that’s included in navmesh/recast graphs and these are the “link” points.
To visualize this, imagine a river that winds its way around a level which has bridges that cross the river. Or an underground metro system. There are points where the boat docks or trains stop and NPCs can board to another location. Boats and trains have schedules so the cost of taking a train or boat changes and is evaluated when try to find the best path.
We’d like to be able to plot a course from one point in the world to another that can walk, then ride, then walk to reach the final destination.
What is the best way to connect these two systems together? Is there a way when searching for a path that it takes into account all known graphs and their constraints?
Or should/could I fake it and simply add additional nodes to the built-in graph after it’s done generating to connect my spline’s nodes to existing graph nodes in the generated graph? Or? Do I need to override the search or other methods?