Navmesh problems with own Character Controller


I’ve encountered a bit of a problem and I don’t know the best way to solve it. I’m using a dedicated physics character controller (not basic Unity Rigidbody controllers) and needed some path finding for my AI. The gameplay is pretty simple: the AI units will spawn on the map and need to navigate towards the player, who is always moving around.

I wrote up a script that reads the active path (using the Seeker) and sets the target move point to that spot on the map. That works swimmingly. I applied the funnel modifier on, and the path it takes is identical to the Bot in the Navmesh example scene.

But, well. The attached video happens.

Is there some simple setting to ‘fix’ this? I tried messing around with the walkable climb and walkable height to no avail.

I have a few solutions I can think of, but wanted to see if there was something simple I was missing.

The maps will obviously need to be designed with the limitations of the pathfinding method, but I figured I could combine a few different ones. Like, have a trigger area so when the units enter they might switch over to using a point graph instead for troublesome areas. Then when they leave, it goes back to using the navmesh.

Or some sort of invisible walls that only the Navmesh can see?

Alternatively, is it possible to model the navmesh data and import it as a .obj for use with the graph? I see the option to export the navmesh, but no option to import. Unless I’m missing it.

Overall, I really love this tool! It has saved me loads of time, but I figured I could get some clarification here on how it works.


The issue comes from your script considering waypoints to be reached pretty early. This then causes it to cut corners. I’d recommend lowering your distance threshold.
The built-in movement scripts has, more sophisticated ways of checking when they should pick the next waypoint.

You can import it into a navmesh graph. However, make sure your recast graph used no tiling.