Navmesh on a spherical planet

You might be able to use the Navmesh Cut component on your wall. Though I’m not sure which modifiers work with the spherical navmesh graph.

So [aron_granberg] said that we cant use navmeshCut on spherical navmeshes

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hmm, ye fair enough, I don’t have any experience with the spherical tools.

I read back through the posts a little;

You could write a graph modifier that does a custom collision check for each node based on the code linked above. Set the walk ability to false for those nodes that failed the collision test.

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Hello,Aron,When I Click this ‘Apply’ Button,it shows these two errors,how can I settle down these errors?:flushed::worried:

And how can I settle down these AI errors when it walks on the Inclined plane?


That’s tricky since the collider normal will not be the one you want to use for the agent. You’ll have to make some modifications to the AIPathAlignedToSurface component to detect stairs in particular and adjust the normal as appropriate (e.g. make it always use stair.transform.up or something).

Hi. Could you make any spherical beta free? I would buy pro if I had any money, but too bad being a student. Anyways at least AIPathAlignToSurface would be nice to have. I am making a basic game and struggle with AI around a sphere. Many thanks if you could help.

The pro version is currently in sale for 50%
Check it out here:

Hello,aron,Why does the AI often seem to be pushed out of the sphere by a force and then never come down, even though I’ve set gravity?

And how to keep Rvocontroller and my players in the same rotation?

That would mean not paying my rent and not eating anything. Well I guess I’ll find a solution somehow to make it follow around the sphere.

Hi, how can i fix this problem? agents walk through obstacles. In spherical navMesh i cant use meshCut or RVOobstacles. i have created unwalkable zones just by checking intersections of navMesh points and obstacles box colliders boarders. But i still have this problem :C


If you use the AIPath (or AIPathAlignedToSurface) script you should probably check the ‘Constrain To Graph’ checkbox to make sure the agents stay inside the graph. The corresponding RichAI script should do this automatically.

i use AIPathAlignedToSurface and tried to check Constrain To Graph. But agents behavior is very strange. They are running ourn spawn point (red dot)

Yes, when “Constrain To Graph” is enabled - i have this strange behavior,
if its disabled - i have normal behavior but sometimes agents run through obstacles.
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Does this behaviour change when you enable Constrain Inside Graph you mean?

Hi,aron,why does it show these errors when I Building my game?I have spent long time to handle this:worried::worried:


That looks like a Unity bug or a bug with some post processing script for assemblies that you are using.
I’m not sure what could be causing that but I’d report it to Unity.
However if you click on the “Something went wrong…” item you might see some more info about what exactly went wrong. The message might be longer than two lines.

Thank you,since I reinstalled the ‘Entinities’ to 0.1.1,it can ‘Build Success’.

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Hello,Aron,How can I calculate the path between two points?What method can I use?Seeker.StartPath will affect my current logic,I just wonder a global method which just calculate the path and return a path for me to use.

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