Navmesh generation error

Hi, I have started recieving today an error with navmesh, I think it started occuring after I added point graph too. I wanted to use pointgraph for paths and navmesh for everything else because I don’t know how else I can make characters walk on paths. The error happends on this lane with NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Pathfinding.NavMeshGraph.OnDrawGizmos. It seems to be running over and over again. I think it didn’t happen with your navmesh but I am not sure, since it happened with navmesh that previously worked I found it weird and maybe a bug. I can send you my navmesh if you want. One more thing, it happens when I try to scan graph, it says error occured.

for (int q=0;q<node.connections.Length;q++) {
Gizmos.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.position,Vector3.Lerp ((Vector3)node.position, (Vector3)node.connections[q].position, 0.45f));

Maybe this error started the 2nd one position = (g.GetVertex(v0) + g.GetVertex(v1) + g.GetVertex(v2)) * 0.333333f; (object reference not set to an instance, same error on this lane but happens before the 1st i mentioned)

Edit:// It works just fine when only navmesh is added

Hi, interesting two users found that same bug almost exactly at the same time.
See this post for a solution

I don’t think it’s the same. He was running into System.IndexOutOfRangeException and I get NullReferenceException. It seemed ok for awhile no idea why it didn’t showed up but after I finally got into fixing this and applied the bugfix from the thread you sent (not checking whether it’s trully my issue) it started to appear once again. I guess I’ll try to fix it myself when I have some time if you’re not avaiable for few weeks, but thanks anyway.