Navmesh Add/Recast/Nodelink3 trouble

The documentation around nodelink3 and navmesh add is rather basic and I’m having some trouble using navmesh add in order to create a ramp on a recast graph. I’ve cut the navmesh and added an add where its been cut, lining up the two planes as much as possible, and adding another one at the top.

Using RichAI, it doesn’t seem to be able to get up to the second navmesh add and on higher timescales will fall through the adds and get stuck where the mesh has been cut, despite there being colliders with the ground layer there.

My game has a simple flat navmesh scanned in to begin with but as the user places buildings, I cut and add to the navmesh. I’ll need to have some form of staircases for when a player builds multi-storeys for the AI so if anyone knows an alternative solution that’d be great. Rescanning the surface after the building has been placed also has the same issues.

Another question I have is what exactly do the end transforms and one-way options mean? Perhaps I’m doing something wrong there.

Have done some looking at the layered grid graph but this will require that I add cubes to every prefab and rescan the graph everytime an object is placed as the layered grid graph doesn’t support Navmesh Cuts.

The AI also tends to get stuck moving off the grid here, so a recast solution would be much better. I think i’ve figured out the nodelink3 but it still doesn’t work. I just need to cut for placed objects and add for stairs/floors. Please advise!


The NodeLink3 needs to be configured such that its endpoints are located on the two nodes that you want to connect. The two nodes should share an edge.

One-way means that the agent will only be able to move from the start node to the end node, not the other way around.

Note that you can also just use a graph update to recalculate that part of the recast graph. That’s a much more robust and simpler solution, though it takes some extra processing time.