My path will not fail even when blocked, see pics

I am making a tower defense game. I want to be able write conditions for if the path is blocked. I need path is blocked event to happen in order to do that though. I need the path creation to fail. I am having a really hard time doing that. The path gets created and goes right through my objects. even when it appears to be blocked. here is a screen shot:

In this picture all of the walls are tagged as ground.

In this picture I have them tagged as obstacle:

It changes stuff but the end result is the same and the path is still being calculated through. The object I have the seeker script attached to cannot get past that wall though.

How do I make it so that the path fails? Why is it calculating that it can walk through there? The graphic mesh is colored showing it is unwalkable.


There is a setting on Seeker component->Start End Modifier-> End Point. Try to set it to ClosetOnNode. That should make it stop at the closest point it can reach.

You can also decrease the A* Inspector -> Settings -> Max Nearest Node Distance to make the path request actually fail instead of returning a path to the closest point to the target.

Thanks you! That helps a lot.