My AI is going straight to the sky

Hello i am new to AI Pathfinding and i have a huge problem, when i set a collider to my AI, it go up until i disable the boxcollider or set it to trigger. Any solutions ? and sorry for my english.

Do you have gravity and a rigidbody on the gameobject you are trying to drive by AI? Likewise, if you do have the rigidbody, is it set to dynamic, kinematic, or static, and does it have mass?

Here is a picture of my setup for a goblin pathing around in a gravity environment. Note that only the highlighted capsule collider is a non-trigger collider, the rest are all triggers.

If you are unfamiliar with how this project makes collision zones, those are the red/orange squares you see on the map. Thats the tilemap collision layer, so goblinna falls on to the collision and then stops.
If you are using collision, make sure you scanned the layer to get those squares!

I’m also a beginner but I may be able to help further if you need more. I mostly used the Brackey’s pathfinding tutorial.

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THANKS YOU, i am so dumb i just forget putting a damn rigidbody, thanks you very much wish you the best !!!

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