MultiTargetPath & Surround Target Advice Needed

Hi. I’m having some difficulties using mp.chosenTarget from OnPathComplete() using MultiTargetPath, but here is some context.
I have read on this forum that for improving combat when you have more enemies I could try having spots around player. So I’ve started implementing this approach.

  1. The first thing was to spawn spots around agents. Script Example (maybe will be helpful for someone)

  2. I have an EnemiesManager gameobject which has both Seeker and a FunnelModifier components attached. My thoughts on this class is to have a manager which handles on which spots enemies should go.

So I’m using this coroutine and “_spots.GetFreeSpotPositions()” returns an array with unmarked targets(positions).

    private IEnumerator StartMultiTargetPath()
        for (int i = 0; i < _enemies.Count; i++)
            var enemy = _enemies[i];
            if (_spots != null)
                // wait in order to mark "i-1" found spot as occupied when seeker.IsDone()
                yield return new WaitUntil(() => _seeker.IsDone());
                MultiTargetPath path = MultiTargetPath.Construct(enemy.Position, _spots.GetFreeSpotPositions(), null, null);
                path.pathsForAll = false;
                _seeker.StartPath(path, OnPathComplete);
                yield return StartCoroutine(path.WaitForPath());

On OnPathComplete I’m using most of documentation code for debub draw plus a method which marks that closest spot as occupied.

    private void HandleChosenTarget(int index)
        if (index == -1)
            Debug.LogError("Found no closest target.");
        Debug.Log("ChosenTarget: " + index);

        var targetSpot = _spots.GetSpotTarget(index);

_spots.GetSpotTarget - returns a reference based on index.
So here comes my problem:

    public Vector3[] GetFreeSpotPositions()
        Vector3[] spotPositions = new Vector3[surroundingTargets.Count];
        for(int i = 0; i < surroundingTargets.Count; i++)
            var spot = surroundingTargets[i];
            if (spot.IsOccupied)
            spotPositions[i] = spot.Target.position;
        return spotPositions;

In StartMultiTargetPath() coroutine on first call, every enemy will get his closest spot. But what should I do on second/third etc call of the coroutine in order to have mp.chosenTarget index matching my default target positions array not just the unmarked positions?