MultiTargetFree: Move AI using the path to Target

Hi guys,

I’m using the MultiTargetFree.cs script and was wondering how would I implement (move) the AI using the path to the target?

This is what I have so far:

`using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Pathfinding;

[AddComponentMenu(“Pathfinding/AI/AIPath (generic)”)]
public class AITargetPlayer : MonoBehaviour {

/* The possible target objects */
public GameObject[] PlayerTarget;

private Transform TargetPlayer;

private Transform EnemyTrans;

/* The paths currently being calculated or have been calculated */
private Path[] lastPaths;

/* Number of paths completed so far */
private int numCompleted = 0;

/* The calculated best path */
private Path bestPath = null;

private Path attackDistance;

private float twenty = 20f;

private float ten = 10f;

private float five = 5f;

public AudioClip Growl;

private AudioSource Roar;

private float clipEnd;

private float clipAniEnd;

private bool beingAttacked = false;

private bool chase = false;

private bool playedGrowl = false;

private int sx = 0;

public float moveSpeed;

public float rotationSpeed;

void Awake() {

	EnemyTrans = transform;


/* Searches for the Player Target */
void Start () {

	if (PlayerTarget.Length == 0){ // if no waypoints, find them
		PlayerTarget = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); // Find Player Waypoints

	if(TargetPlayer == null) {

		GameObject TarP = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //Target Player
		TargetPlayer = TarP.transform;


/* Call to update the bestPath with the closest path one of the targets.
* It will take a few frames for this to be calculated, the bestPath variable will be null in the meantime
public void SearchClosest () {
	//If any paths are currently being calculated, cancel them to avoid wasting processing power
	if (lastPaths != null)
		for (int i=0;i<lastPaths.Length;i++)
			lastPaths[i].Error ();
	//Create a new lastPaths array if necessary (can reuse the old one?)
	if (lastPaths == null || lastPaths.Length != PlayerTarget.Length) lastPaths = new Path[PlayerTarget.Length];
	//Reset variables
	bestPath = null;
	numCompleted = 0;
	//Loop through the targets
	for (int i=0;i<PlayerTarget.Length;i++) {
		//Create a new path to the target
		ABPath p = ABPath.Construct (transform.position,PlayerTarget[0].transform.position, OnTestPathComplete);
		/* Before version 3.2
		Path p = new Path (transform.position,targets[i].position, OnTestPathComplete);
		lastPaths[i] = p;
		//Request the path to be calculated, might take a few frames
		//This will call OnTestPathComplete when completed
/* Called when each path completes calculation */
public void OnTestPathComplete (Path p) {
	if (p.error) {
		Debug.LogWarning ("One target could not be reached!\


	//Make sure this path is not an old one
	for (int i=0;i<lastPaths.Length;i++) {
		if (lastPaths[i] == p) {
			if (numCompleted >= lastPaths.Length) {
				CompleteSearchClosest ();

/* Called when all paths have completed calculation */
public void CompleteSearchClosest () {
	//Find the shortest path
	Path shortest = null;
	float shortestLength = float.PositiveInfinity;
	//Loop through the paths
	for (int i=0;i<lastPaths.Length;i++) {
		//Get the total length of the path, will return infinity if the path had an error
		float length = lastPaths[i].GetTotalLength();
		if (shortest == null || length < shortestLength) {
			shortest = lastPaths[i];
			shortestLength = length;
	Debug.Log ("Found a path which was " + shortestLength + " long");
	bestPath = shortest;
	attackDistance = shortest;

private void CheckAttackDistance() {
	if (attackDistance.GetTotalLength() < twenty) {

		beingAttacked = true;

public void FixedUpdate () {

	//Highlight the best path in the editor when it is found
	if (bestPath != null && bestPath.vectorPath != null) {
		for (int i=0;i<bestPath.vectorPath.Count-1;i++) {
			Debug.DrawLine (bestPath.vectorPath[i],bestPath.vectorPath[i+1],;
	/* Before version 3.2
	for (int i=0;i<bestPath.vectorPath.Length-1;i++) {
		if (attackDistance.GetTotalLength() < twenty) {
			beingAttacked = true;

	if(beingAttacked == true) {
		GetComponent<EnemyAI>().enabled = false;

		//Look at target
		EnemyTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(EnemyTrans.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(TargetPlayer.position - EnemyTrans.position), rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
		//Vector3 desiredVelocity = EnemyTrans.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
		if(Time.time > clipAniEnd && sx < 2) { // if previous animation not playing anymore...
			audio.volume = 0.5f;
			audio.PlayOneShot(Growl); // play the new one...
			clipAniEnd = Time.time + animation["Roar"].length;

			beingAttacked = false;

		if(sx == 2 && clipAniEnd < Time.time) {

			if(beingAttacked == false) {

				animation.Stop ();


			if (attackDistance.GetTotalLength() >= five) { 

				CharacterController controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

				animation.Play ("Run");

				//Move towards target
				//controller.SimpleMove(desiredVelocity * moveSpeed);

				//Direction to the next waypoint
				Vector3 dir = (TargetPlayer.position-EnemyTrans.position).normalized;
				dir *= moveSpeed;// * Time.deltaTime;
				controller.SimpleMove (dir);



I have the monster/enemy following the player but not by the path. Also when the player goes round a wall the monster gets stuck facing the wall and will not go round it.