i’m using ending condition proximity to search a path from the human to tile A. But what i got is “ERROR: Searched whole area but could not find target.”
How could i make it to return a path to the nearest tile?
I’ve set the “Exact End Point” option to “Closest On Node”, and “calculatePartial” variable to true;
That should be the default behavior when using a regular ABPath (or using seeker.StartPath(start,end) which uses an ABPath behind the scenes). You should not have to change any options for it.
The only thing that could potentially go wrong is that the search for the closest node is only carried out within a certain distance. This distance is set by A* Inspector -> Settings -> Max Nearest Node Distance.
You will also likely want to set Seeker -> Start End Modifier -> Exact End to “ClosestOnNode”. This will make sure the endpoint of the path is snapped to the closest point on the surface of the closest tile it could reach.