Make agent evade certain area (AoE)

I’m looking for a way to make my agents to evade certain areas.
I manually calculate point to which agent should escape (“blue sphere gizmo” on video) and mark nodes which are located inside Aoe Area with high penalty (value of “10000”) using “GraphUpdateObject”.
Unfortunately, my agent still prefer to go through orange area, instead of going around from left/right side through green area.
What am I missing, or how can I do this any other way?


Graph settings:

Agent settings:

P.S. I set 10000 penalty through “GraphUpdateObject” and as you can see on “Agent Settings” - I also change Node Tag so agent could use his “personal” penalty. Both does not seem to work as I would expet.

P.P.S. I’ve tried to increase penalty to 100’000’000 but result still the same


The raycast modifier will in the current released version not take tags or penalties into account. You can try the beta version, in which it does a much better attempt at taking those into account.

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