Luna Unity Playworks Compatibility

  • A* version: 4.2.17 (free)
  • Unity version: 2022.3

Has anyone tried to use A* in a Luna Playable Project?
Their documentation is mentioning it supports it, but I get plenty of errors when trying to build it.
Any tips?

What errors are you seeing in the build?

Unfortunately a lot


The type or namespace name ‘Ionic’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Pathfinding’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)

using Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip;
File path: …\Assets\Plugins\AstarPathfindingProject\Core\Serialization\JsonSerializer.cs

So removing example script, it leaves me with errors for
Mostly in Serialization, Misc Folder
And one in AstarPath.cs

Char UpperVariant (Utilities GUID)
Some Thread issues (+ThreadPool)
Physics2D SyncTransforms

Hmmm I looked around but I couldn’t find anything on this myself. I’ll have to tag @aron_granberg on this as it seems to do with the architecture of the plugin. Do you see these issues if you just build it for another platform like Windows?

I tried building windows and had no issues.

Gotcha. Thanks for that clarification. We’ll have to see what Aron knows on this :+1:

Thanks for checking!


Those errors seem to indicate that the AstarPathfindingProject/Plugins/DotNetZip/Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll file has been excluded from the build for some reason. Can you check it in unity inspector to see if it for some reason is being excluded?