I’m looking for a way to prune recast graphs to only include reachable areas in the resulting navmesh. We’re building our levels procedurally by stitching together prefabs. This causes walkable areas to be cut by walls and other obstacles. Which gives rise to navmesh areas that are unreachable. Is there any way to position “seed points” in the scene, and only keep recast regions that touch or can be reached from the this “seed point”.
I tried using the RelevantGraphSurface component together with the RecastGraph advanced option “Relevant Graph Surface”, but fail to understand how it works. If I place a single RelevantGraphSurface compoent in the scene, and then issue a scan. I get navmesh on either everything (when using the “Do not require” or “Only For Completely Inside” options) or just the navmesh area in the tile the component touches (when using the “Require for all” alternative).
Edit; forgot to mention that we’re on 5.1.6 PRO
Edit 2; if I disable tiles, the “Require for All” options seem to do what I want. We really want the tiles enable though