LocalAvoidance feature

Can LocalAvoidance not only support CharacterController but also rigid.AddForce(dir) and transform.Translate (dir) that is similar to AIPath ?
I know it is still beta, but you can add it later.

Assuming you are talking about the local avoidance to be included in version 3.2.

For local avoidance to work somewhat good, without jittering and stuff, the simulation depends on knowing that a specific velocity will be applied every frame. It should not be blocked by e.g a wall which it does not know is there. This means that it is recommended to not use any for the agents colliders which can interfere the local avoidance. In version 3.2 local avoidance obstacles/colliders will be available instead.

The local avoidance is easiest used in the current implementation using the RVOController component which is designed to work like a CharacterController. It uses Transform.Translate and a raycast to check for height. This RVOController simply takes a Move call every frame and uses that as the desired velocity. However the underlaying system is not dependent on any unity component.

When will the version 3.2 be released ?

Hopefully before christmas.

Where would I find the RVO controller. I have the pro version, but don’t see it. I’d like to use it instead of the Unity character controller. Thanks.

The RVOController is included in version 3.2. If you want I can send you the dev. version.