Local navigation on moving platform

  • A* version: 5.2.5
  • Unity version: 2022.3.54

So I’m here again… still trying to get naviagion on moving ship working ok…
Have tried recast, added localSpaceGraph to ship and parented NPC to ship. Added LocalSpaceRitchAI to npc but there pathfinding was terrible, they often got stuck in corners and moved maybe after some 15 seconds after I had written script that would reset target and recalculate it if there were no movement. A lot of random teleportations and stuff. Jittery movements…
Tried FolloverEntity, looks like it cannot move on localspace graph at all.

All destinations are behind doors, that pathfinding should ignore. Yet pathfinding hangs on staris (link2) and some moves to corners…

Any futhure ideas? Im not that smart with pathfinding, to write extension to it… Im affraid to think what will happen when worlds cordinates are beeing resset due to floating point error.

Ps. Im using Link2 for traversing stairs as they are really steap. Maybe it has problems with local space graph?

Answered in your first thread here. Please try and keep related issues in the same thread, it can get very confusing quickly :smiley: