i just purchased the pro version of the this and need a little help local avoidance. when using just pathfinding without local avoidance i do not use a character controller, i use this code: ` public override void Execute() {
if(hasTarget && !waitingForRepath && Time.time >= nextRepath) {
if(path == null)
if(pathIndex >= path.vectorPath.Count) {
if(!walking) {
destination = path.vectorPath[pathIndex];
walking = true;
} else if(Vector2.Distance(character.position, destination) < accuracy) {
if(++pathIndex < path.vectorPath.Count)
destination = path.vectorPath[pathIndex];
else return;
Vector2 direction = (destination - character.position).normalized * character.speed * Time.deltaTime;
character.position += direction;`
my question is do i have to use a RVOController in order to have local avoidance work or can i just register my agent with the simulator? also to note, on my character i have a bounding box around my sprite PLUS a FOV sphere collider for vision and i only use the x and y for movement.