Local Avoidance for 2d

HI i have downloaded the beata version of the pro pathfinding and i want to add the local avoidance 2d to my game. I am having problems with the people walking though each other.

This is the scripts i have on my people.

And the customer path is the script i was using to do the path finding without the local avoidance.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using Pathfinding;

public class CustomerPath : AILerp {

public GameObject[] wayPoints;
private Transform homePoint;
private int nextPosition = 0;
public int currentPosition = 0;
private Person person;

new void Start()
	person = new Person ();
	GameObject homePoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HomePoint");
	wayPoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("WayPoints");

	///randomize the array

	Array.Resize(ref wayPoints, wayPoints.Length + 1);
	wayPoints[wayPoints.Length -1] = homePoint.gameObject;

	seeker.StartPath(transform.position, wayPoints[nextPosition].transform.position, OnPathComplete);


public override void OnTargetReached ()

	if(nextPosition >= wayPoints.Length)


IEnumerator PauseAtShelf()
	Shelf shelf = wayPoints[currentPosition].transform.parent.GetComponent<Shelf>();

	yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.4f);

	seeker.StartPath(transform.position, wayPoints[nextPosition].transform.position, OnPathComplete);



Can you help me please i am unsure what i must do next.


AILerp, which you have based your script on is intended to follow paths exactly (see the documentation), thus it cannot use local avoidance since that may require the agent to move away from the original path. I am afraid that in the current beta there is no movement script which works in 2D as well as handles local avoidance (it is a beta after all).