Local aviod cann't work in 4.2.15

I’m struggling to use pathfinding working with recast graph. I’m using the A* 4.2.15. Look these follow pictures. In this case, the Unit A cann’t find path to destination(red circle). Actually, It can arrive the destination. I use the navmeshcut component to cut navmesh.


Since the green line is there it could definitely find a path to the target.

I would recommend that you do not add a navmesh cut to all agents if they are moving. That will always remove the navmesh under the character, so it will always think it stands outside the navmesh. This will usually cause it to behave very erratically.

The navmesh cut is disabled when character is moving. And the navmesh cut is enabled when character is idle. So the character A is in the navmesh. But, it can’t arrive the circle point arround the oher navmesh cuts.