LayerGridGraph: max directions is 4. Is there a technical reason why it can't be 8?

We’d like there to be diagonal movement and if it’s just a optimization concern I think we can bite the bullet.

Well… Im not sure about the LayeredGridGraph~ There should be a way to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

But in the mean time, try using a raycast simplifier with Grid based raycasting~
Should give you the nice strait lines your looking for :slight_smile:

Assume we had the above configuration of nodes.
Which diagonal neighbour would the center node have (note the two circled nodes).

Green are node connections
Black are node connections from center node

I think there were more of these technical difficulties, but this is what I can think of at the moment.


This is a very particular case, you can allow diagonal neighbours, and if you find this kind of multiple possibilities, just don’t connect them.

Assume we had the above configuration of nodes.
Which diagonal neighbour would the center node have (note the two circled nodes).

You could have exactly the same problem without diagonal if the allowed height is less enough and the allowed climb value high enough. Which orange link would you choose in this case ?

You could have exactly the same problem without diagonal if the allowed height is less enough and the allowed climb value high enough. Which orange link would you choose in this case ?

Indeed, which is why that is also a limit is enforced in the editor.