Keep getting Serialization errors

Hey, Recently I started getting Serialization error and obsolete object errors, I never used to get that before… can someone tell me what’s going on please … I am an artist not a programmer :frowning: so its more likely that I am doing something wrong

Thanks in Advance

P.S I did upgrade unity to the latest version couple of days ago could that have something to do with this ???

Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/Serialization/JsonConverters.cs(36,85): warning CS0618: UnityEngine.Object.FindSceneObjectsOfType(System.Type)' is obsolete:use Object.FindObjectsOfType instead.’


That is a warning, not an error. I believe there are no usage of that API in the latest version, I am sure there is none in the beta anyway.
To get rid of the warning (though you can just ignore it, it won’t affect anything), rename the call to FIndObjectsOfType and add a new parameter with the value true.