Invalid Path... Easiest way to try an alternative?

Hi There,

So I’m using AILerp/Seeker components on my AI characters and I’ve run into an issue.

I have a system where move my ‘target’ transform (see AILerp) to a random tile in one of my Isometric rooms. The AI will then walk to that position and start over.

My issue is that if the target gets moved to a place that is not ‘walkable’, a wall tile for example, the AI will stop moving (Path.Error = true). I have tried repathing by moving the ‘target’ to an alternative position but I am running into all sorts of errors (thread errors, getNearest warnings).

What would be the cleanest way of moving the target and starting over? Also, is there a better way to test if a path is valid?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Anyone? :confused:

My main sticking point is “What would be the cleanest way of moving the target and starting over? Also, is there a better way to test if a path is valid?”

Sorry, should have searched more. I think I’ve found a resolution via this thread