Int3 to Vector3

How to convert an int3 to a vector3? I have tried this but that doesn’t seem to work:
`function FindNearest(pos : Vector3) {
var Nearest : Vector3;
var Nodes : GraphNode[] = Graph.nodes;

for (var i = 0; i < Nodes.Length; i++) {
	var NodePos = Int3ToVector3(Nodes[i].position);
	if (Vector3.Distance(NodePos, tr.position) > Vector3.Distance(Nearest, tr.position)) {
		Nearest = NodePos;

return Nearest;


function Int3ToVector3(INT : Pathfinding.Int3) {
return new Vector3(INT.x,INT.y,INT.z)/1000.0f;
The Int3ToVector3 gives me a, but if I divide it by 100.0f instead it gives me the right parameters, but one 0 to much.


There is an explicit conversion.

Int3 a = new Int3(...); Vector3 b = (Vector3)a;

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