Ignore updating specific, already tagged nodes

Is there any way to have the GraphUpdateObject not affect nodes with a certain tag already set?
I have a slowly expanding object which tags its ground plus a margin (via bigger bounds in the GUO) as unpassable, so npcs avoid pathing through it (and i also need this to render it). But i also need certain areas to be tagged/marked as ‘safe spots’, where the expanding object with the GUO should not accidentally bleed its tag into, but npcs can go.
I didn’t see any fitting option, so i guess i have to keep track of the margin by other means?


If you have updatePhysics disabled, then you can have full control over if a node is updated or not by extending the GraphUpdateObject. See http://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/graph-updates.php#graphupdateobject

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Ah, how could i miss that… It’s indeed was what i was looking for. Thank you very much!

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