How to specify Cached/Runtime Graphs for Instantiated Seekers?

Here are my scene settings:

  1. A PointGraph named “1” (edited using pencil icon)
  2. Cache Startup is enabled, with the cached file named “1.bytes”
  3. An existing Seeker that is set to traverse the cached “1.bytes”

During runtime, I would like to instantiate a new Seeker that uses the cached “1.bytes”. Does the Seeker automatically do this, or do I need to specify it? How would I do that?



The Seeker’s graph mask is stored using indices. So it knows for example that it can traverse “The third graph” or something like that. If you use cached startup, the loaded graphs should get the same indices as during edit time, so the Seeker’s graph mask should still be valid.

If you need to set it during runtime, you can do something like:

seeker.graphMask = GraphMask.FromGraphName("graph name here");