How to solve the problem of AI climbing ladders?

  • A* version: [5.2.4]
  • Unity version: [2022.3.50f1]


I am a beginner with A* pathfinding, now I have some ladders in my scene, and how to let AI can climb ladders?

Which Demo or section about document can help me solve my problem?

Thank you very much.

You’re gonna want to look at the Off-Mesh Links feature- they basically allow you to have your agent pathfind to the start of a location and then traverse the link as a part of their path. They support cases like jumping, doors, and ladders, of course :+1: There’s also an example scene in the asset that demonstrates this well.

Thank you very much, I’m learning this feature tody.

Hello @tealtxgr
Actually I wan to let NPC auto (and random) go somewhere, for example, I have a building has 3 floors, the NPC can go anywhere in this building.

So, I added AIPath and Seeker component to NPC.

But in my game, ground to floor 1 is a ladder, and document said:

  • FollowerEntity: Good support for off-mesh links.
  • RichAI: Decent support for off-mesh links. Does not support using the Interactable component for movement logic on off-mesh links.
  • AIPath: Limited support for off-mesh links. The agent can traverse them, but it does not know that it traverses an off-mesh link, and cannot use any special movement logic.
  • AILerp: Limited support for off-mesh links. The agent can traverse them, but it does not know that it traverses an off-mesh link, and cannot use any special movement logic.

So, how to do this is a good way?

Thank you very much for your help, I’m really a fresh newbie.

BTW: Do I need send you my invoice number then get your help?

Unless you have a specific reason to use AIPath I recommend switching from AIPath to FollowerEntity :slight_smile: If you have any issues with FollowerEntity we can help troubleshoot those

No problem, glad to help! No invoice number needed :+1:

I’m using AIPaht because an assets’s demo use AIPaht(Behavior Designer), I’m using Behavior Designer for control my NPC.

I will be trying to use FollowerEntity in Behaviro Designer.

Thank you~!

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Good luck! FollowerEntity and the others are a bit different, but it should definitely be possible to substitute the two. Let us know if you run into any specific issues :+1: