How to set up ground/basic layer for grid graph?

Right now I am working on a 2D paltformer game and I need to specific where the character/AI can walk on using 2D collider.

In previous version I remember I am able to set up some basic layer like ground & obstacles. But now I cannot find it anymore. Or I should only set the valid layer in Seeker?


Check the Collision Testing settings in the grid graph.

Thanks for your reply,

So basically I am only able to set up the obstacle layer instead of having a ground layer?

Could you elaborate?

So I am looking forward to making the region bounded by the 2D collider as walkable, everywhere else should be treated as obstacle/unreachable. But what I can found in the pathfinder is setting up layers for obstacles.

Ah, you want everything inside the collider to be walkable. That is currently not supported. The common use case is that you mark with colliders the regions that are not walkable.

You can do it with some simple changes to the source code though.

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