How to rotate unit directly, instead it moving in arc

We are using grid graph to navigate units. A unit has just Funnel Modifier, as in picture.

The issue is, when ordering unit to move 90 degree direction, instead of heading there directly (green line in picture), it “wobbles” to the path in arc (as shown by red arc in picture). I tried increasing acceleration or rotation speed to insane values like 10k, but nothing helped.

This issue is minor, but we want to polish the movement of units, and now they seem less responsive due to this.

Also we need to use Funnel Modifier, because other modifiers either calculated paths not straight in line, or had issues with penalties, or were moving not very naturally.

Is there some modification of parameter we can set to make the unit move instantly to new direction?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Any updates here please @aron_granberg? Is this behavior possible to change?


With the AIPath agent, this is hard to change because of how it parametrizes its movement.

However, you could try out the beta version and try the FollowerEntity movement script which is under development. It allows you to enable an option for rotating on the spot. If you combine this with setting the rotation on spot rotation speed to infinity, then it should be pretty responsive.