This seems to work, but unfortunately it appears it is not the only cause of my issues.
You can see in this image that the nodes with no connections have been made unwalkable, but what I am failing to understand now is two things:
1.) why did they have no connections? this is a nearly flat surface; by all rights these should have had connections.
2.) if you look closely, you will see a green point, and a black wire cylinder near the agent that triggered the exception (of not being able to find a path. This is the code I run in that error to help diagnose the issue:
if (path.error) {
Debug.LogError( + ": " + path.errorLog);
DebugExtension.DebugPoint(transform.position,, 0.25f, float.MaxValue, false);
pathfindingState = PathfindingState.CalculatedFail;
// when there is an error, it is usually either because we are stuck, or because
// there is an issue with the end point. Let's just find the closest node and
// move to it.
NNConstraint nnc = new NNConstraint();
nnc.constrainWalkability = true;
NNInfo nni =, nnc);
int connectionCount = 0;
nni.node.GetConnections((GraphNode node) => {
if (connectionCount < 1) {
Debug.LogError("Found node has " + connectionCount + " connections");
DebugExtension.DebugCylinder(nni.clampedPosition, nni.clampedPosition + Vector3.up,, 0.0825f, float.MaxValue, false);
yield break;
(Sorry, that did not copy very well). Any ideas why this is happening? to give further context, the agent moves up to a tree, “harvests” it, and then a rescan of the graph is made to fill in the area the tree once stood in, in addition to a buffer area around it to ensure we capture everything. the agent is then instructed to go elsewhere. It mostly works, but agents eventually get stuck like this.